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irc (21)

Ambassador is a fork of the ChatZilla IRC client built upon the Unified XUL Platform. It features a simple, straighforward interface with a number of options for customization and extensibility. It is available as an add-on compatible with other applications built upon UXP, and as a stand-alone package that can be installed and run independently of a browser.
Firewall is a set of scripts (firewall, fwup and fwdown) that implement one or more ipchains firewalls that support various forms of network address and port translation. All you have to do is read the heavily documented policy file and edit it to reflect your network topology and filtering policy.
gamja is an IRC web client. It can work together with soju.
An work-in-progress internet relay chat daemon with support for redundant links
HexChat is an IRC client based on XChat 2, featuring:
  • Easy to use and customizable interface
  • Cross-platform on Windows, OS X, and Unix-like OSes
  • Highly scriptable with Python and Perl
  • Translated in multiple languages
  • Multi-network with auto-connect, join, and identify
  • Spellcheck, proxies, SASL, DCC support and more
This bot acts as a normal user inside both a IRC channel and a XMPP MUC room, and relays/resends the messages received in one end to the other automatically.
This library is intended to encapsulate the IRC protocol at a quite low level. It provides an event-driven IRC client framework. It has a fairly thorough support for the basic IRC protocol, CTCP and DCC connections.
IRCXY IRCv4 Implementation
Kirc is a lightweight, terminal/console IRC client. It is designed to be compatible with all POSIX-compliant operating systems (including GNU/Linux). Kirc has no dependencies, only requiring a C99 compiler (such as GCC) and POSIX C header files to be built. Instead of having commands specific to itself, Kirc allows users to send raw IRC commands to the server it is connected to. Kirc has basic Emacs-style keybindings for text entry. Whilst mostly minimalistic in nature, Kirc has features such as chat history logging, terminal colours and SASL authentication. Kirc does not support TLS encryption; the developer suggests using a program like Stunnel or Socat to encapsulate the IRC connection within an encrypted 'tunnel'.
KiwiIRC makes Web IRC easy. A hand-crafted IRC client that you can enjoy. Designed to be used easily and freely.

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